Thursday, January 27, 2011

[[[ If I could rule the world ]]]

If we could rule the world,
We will build our own stature nearby KLCC

If we could rule the world,
We will buy Manchester United because it has been in our blood since the early 90's

If we could rule the world,
We don't want to study anymore because we have all the money in the world :D

If we could rule the world,
 We want to produce our own car and make it compulsory for every family. However we will make it cheap and affordable in contrast to the price in Malaysia nowadays..ha ha ha 

If we could rule the world,
We want to ban the usage YM, MSN, and other chatting service during work like some of the personnel in ASRA!

If we could rule the world,
We want to make our own gigantic and luxurious island with the name of PULAU KERANGBAKAQ

If we could rule the world,
We want to travel all over the galaxy and leave our mark there just like USA did with Neil Armstrong [although some said it was just a hu hu :) ]

If we could rule the world,
We will build our house in the sea. Enough staying above sea level. We are living in a house below sea level :)

If we could rule the world,
We will make Transformers a reality and we'll make it as our soldier.

If we could rule the world,
We won't make the world suffer as this is what normal people is experiencing right now!

If we could rule the world,
We will make this world a better place to live in.

If we could rule the world,
We will instill the values of Islam from lifestyle to the law of Al-Quran to every muslim in this world because it is the only way to solve most of the problem nowadays such as social problem, economic suppressed by the government and many more.

We may look too imaginary in some of our dreams if we could rule the world but we can bet you we'll get caught if we mumbled what's in our mind right now. Some of our dreams in this post is just our imagination and some is true so it is up to you guys to evaluate for yourselves :)

Till we meet again my darling~ lalalalalalalalla